
Other Offices That Can Assist You With Campus-Related Issues, Concerns or Questions.
Issues/Concerns/Questions Where to Go

Academic policies & support - academic fairness, grade forgiveness, academic non-grade-related grievance or grade appeal, avoiding plagiarism

Presidential Appointee to the Grade Appeal and Academic Grievance Committee, Student Services and Administration Building 4500, (510) 885-3286

  1. Policy on Non-Grade-Related Student Complaints
  2. Grade Appeal and Academic Grievance
  3. Academic Dishonesty
  4. Tutoring & Writing Lab (SCAA)

Alcohol or substance abuse

(510) 885-3735

Computer use and technology

Student Technology Services

Disagreement with faculty member

The chairperson of the department in which course is taught.

Dissatisfaction with services rendered

Director of responsible department

Report discrimination or harassment based on race, sex, color, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or marital status.

  1. Title IX & Discrimination/Harassment/Retaliation Office SA 1108, (510) 885–4918
  2. Office of Student Conduct, Rights and Responsibilities SF 237, (510) 885-3763

Issues with fellow classmates, roommates or personal relationships, stress or making decisions.

  1. Student Health & Counseling Services Health Center,(510) 885-3735
  2. Office of Student Conduct, Rights and Responsibilities SF 237, (510) 885-3763

Sexual Harassment, sexual misconduct/assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking.

  1. Title IX Office SA 1108, (510) 885–4918
  2. Confidential Advocate Health Center, (510) 885-3700
  3.  Library Bldg. 1063, (510) 885-3791
  4.  (510) 885-3735
    (requires that incident be reported to UPD)

Student Housing and/or Food Insecurity

  1. Pioneers for H.O.P.E. Health Center Room 1149, (510) 885-HOPE (4673)
  2. Student CARE Team SF 237, (510) 885-3601

Theft of Property and/or, Real or Threatened Violence

Library Bldg. 1063, (510) 885-3791