Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

IACUC responsibilities

About the IACUC

IACUC Membership and their Roles

CSU 六合彩图库大全's IACUC is constituted according to PHS policy with at least a/an:

  1. Committee on Research Chair or Designee
  2. Attending Veterinarian
  3. Scientist
  4. Non-Scientist
  5. Community Member


CSU 六合彩图库大全's Institutional Animal Care and Use Program is committed to achieving the highest ethical practices and approaches to animal research by remaining compliant in accordance to  , and the

The IACUC conducts its routine business in accordance with these regulatory agencies. As such, the role and responsibilities of the IACUC are vast. They include but, may not be limited to:

  • Direct oversight of the Animal Care and Use Program.
  • Holding routine meetings to conduct business.
  • Ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and requirements.
  • Reviewing all applications of the use of animals in research and teaching activities.
  • Investigating issues of non-compliance.
  • Supporting faculty in achieving quality research while maintaining ethical conduct in respect to the use of animals.
  • Conducting routine inspections of animal facilities.
  • Ensuring all investigators, research staff, animal care personnel, and IACUC members have access to and participate in continuing education opportunities.