Innovative Tools for Teaching and Learning

Below is a list of resources that can be useful in reconstructing the ways in which we teach and learn mathematics. Many of these sites have collections of rich mathematical puzzles and new pedagogical ideas. The YouTube channels included are also a wonderful source of enriching information and visualizations.

  • (YouTube)
  • (YouTube)
  • Resources to help students develop the problem-solving skills they need to confidently tackle challenging problems—and not only in mathematics.
  • DAoM provides a wealth of resources for creating mathematical experiences which are challenging and intellectually stimulating, provide meaningful cognitive and metacognitive gains, and nurture healthy and informed perceptions of mathematics, mathematical ways of thinking, and the ongoing impact of mathematics not only on STEM fields but also on the liberal arts and humanities.
  •   Stanford University Graduate School of Education, curated by Dr. Jo Boaler. Educational resources about how we learn; how we can help students understand mathematics; materials about growth mindset, and so much more.
  •   A collection of monthly blogs of YouTube videos or other online content, explanations of serious mathematics, puzzles, writing about mathematics education, mathematical anecdotes, refutations of bad mathematics, applications, reviews, etc.