Hester van der Vinne Faculty Profile

Photo of Hester van der Vinne

Hester  van der Vinne


Department of Sociology

Dr. van der Vinne is a Libra. She enjoys research methods, social deviance, the sociology of food, and long walks on the beach.

  • 1992, M.A., University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  • 1998, Ph.D., Tilburg University, the Netherlands
Fall Semester 2024
Course #SecCourse TitleDaysFromToLocationCampus
HDEV 32105Gender, Race & Class in HDEVARRWEB-ASYNCH
SOC 10001Introduction to SociologyMW9:30AM10:45AMMI-2002
SOC 49901Sociology Capstone ProjectMW12:00PM1:40PMMI-3038
WOST 30201Women and FamiliesARRWEB-ASYNCH